The City (Project Moon)
Presumably set on Earth, The City is a HUMONGOUS metropolis the size of a small country, divided into several districts ruled by megacorporations, each known as a "Wing", and named after a letter of the alphabet. (L-Corp, W-Corp, etc.)
Within those districts, each Wing oversees a capital city (known as a Nest to its denizens) where its rule is law. Beyonds the Nest's walls lie unregulated areas known as Backstreets, more often than not ruled by massive crime syndicates.
The City as a whole is ruled by The Head, a governing body cosisting of A-Cor, B-Corp and C-corp with access to indominable technology. Few poeple or organizations survive if The Head sets its sights on them.
Broadly speaking, the phrase "human resources" can be aplty applied to the philosophy of The City. You're given no credence just for having been born, and your value is measured primarily in your ability to contribute to your employers, your prowess in combat, or your guile in hiding.
Tech level: Modern if you're poor, futuristic if rich.