Open Babble
Product Updates

Improved Home Page Loading Time, Chat Fixes, and More

September 29, 2024

Improved Home Page Loading Time, Chat Fixes, and More

Hi everyone! This weeks update includes a variety of improvements and fixes to Babble; here's a summary of the key changes:

Improvements to Character Browsing

  1. Enhanced Home & Category Page Loading Time: I improved the home page loading time, making it faster and more responsive. This improves browsing experience as you explore new characters.

  2. Added Blur Hash for Character Images: This is an improvement mostly for users with slower internet. The blur hash technique provides a placeholder image while the actual image is loading, creating a more seamless visual experience.

Improvements for Chat Experience

  1. Fixed Message Sending Issue: I fixed the issue when sending messages in chat, ensuring that messages are sent promptly without any delays, as there was a slight delay there for certain users.

  2. Long Conversation Support: Babble now supports very long conversations, resolving most of the "Server Errors" some users were experiencing during extended chat sessions. Link


  1. Icons Rendering Issues on Android - I fixed the issue where some icons were not rendering correctly on Android devices. Link

  2. Fixed Updating/Deleting Messages in the Example Chat Field - I fixed the issue where users were unable to update or delete messages in the example chat field when creating a character. Link

  3. Duplicate Responses when Reloading Messages - This issue has been resolved, and you should no longer see duplicate responses when reloading messages in the chat. Link