Open Babble
Product Updates

Character Wiki, Search, and Trending Page

August 11, 2024

Character Wiki, Search, and Trending Page

Hey everyone! I've got some exciting new features and improvements to share with you today. Let's dive in!

What's New:

  • Character Wiki: When creating a character, you can now add a link to a web page with info about that character for it to learn from. This should lead to more detailed and accurate character portrayals! Link
  • Search: I've added a search bar to the home page so you can easily find the characters you're looking for. Link
  • Trending Page: The trending page now shows both new and trending characters. Plus, I've added a "most popular" page to showcase all-time favorites! Link
  • Rewind to Message: You can now click on any message and "rewind to" it, essentially resetting the chat to that point. Great for exploring different conversation paths! Link

Improvements and Fixes

  • AI Portrayal Fix: I've addressed the issue where AI sometimes incorrectly portrayed users. This should be fixed now, but let us know if you're still seeing any problems!
  • Thumbs Down Option: You can now thumbs down messages as well as thumbs up. Your feedback helps us improve!
  • Icebreaker Tweaks: The icebreaker now hides when you start typing, and I've turned it into a swiper to make the chat more visible.
  • Usage Meter: Check out your daily usage by going to your profile and clicking on the top right.

I'm constantly working to make Babble better based on your feedback. Keep the suggestions coming, and happy chatting!